Deniz Csernoklavek: The Yearning Heart

I wonder why my heart yearns
almost grieves,
weeping at the beauty of your face
it's an unfathomable life
so deep,
so raw,
so encompassing of life and death.

And so I must continue,
forging new pathways
for brain and body
creating new possibilities
for being - ness.

To be alive
is a marvellous concoction
of bitter sweetness,
intricately weaving a pattern
seemingly arbitrary,
seemingly unique,
compelling me towards liberation.

How can this not be true?
this inner expression
like a fountain sprouting
pouring forth creative syntax
into form and flow.

To deny this evolving love
would be to murder
the breath inside the breath,
the very life force that
connectively signals the movement
through space beyond time.

To think love - misses the essence
of encompassing such profundity,
such extraordinary beauty,
to feel love - expands the heart
opening to the very gesture of the other
guiding insight with passion.

I can never divorce this feeling
with rhetoric nor prose, though I try,
I simply like water cascading through space
reveal myself moment by moment
trying to embody life and death 
within the changing nuances in motion.

Deniz Csernoklavek, studying MA in Psychotherapy at the Gestalt Centre, based in London

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Lucy Furniss: Wisdom of Nature


Fiona Turnbull: Shifting Sands