UKAGP Constitution

T1. Name

The name of the association shall be the United Kingdom Association for Gestalt Practitioners (UKAGP).

2. Registered Address
The registered address of UKAGP is communicated via the website.

3. Definitions

In this constitution:

i) The Association means United Kingdom Association for Gestalt Practitioners.

ii) UKAGP means United Kingdom Association for Gestalt Practitioners.

iii) The Committee means the Organising Committee.

4. Aims & Objectives

a) To support and voice the interests of the UK Gestalt community in the UK and the wider field.

b) To represent the interests of the UK Gestalt community in EAGT and in the wider field, and to represent the interests of EAGT within the UK .

c) To act as a gateway for EAGT membership

d) To support education, research and clinical expertise in the field of Gestalt practice in the UK

e) To promote training and cooperative exchange between Gestalt practitioners and Institutions in the UK and the wider field.

f) To support the professional development of the members of the Association.

5. Membership

5.1 Membership Structure

There shall be seven classes of membership:

i) Joint Member – UKCP Registered Psychotherapists who have successfully completed a core Gestalt Training that meets the current EAGT criteria.

ii) Joint Associate Member – Individuals who have started a Gestalt training and is meant for individuals who do not (yet) meet the EAGT criteria for Joint Member, the UKAGP criteria for ‘Member’ and/or retired Gestalt practitioners.

iii) Joint Trainee Member – Any person in training at a nationally accredited gestalt training institute for a maximum of 4 years, after which their membership will be converted into Joint Associate Membership.

iv) Member – Individuals who have completed a core Gestalt Training that is recognised in the UK and accredited by an organisation. (see Appendix).

v) Associate Membership – Individuals who have started a Gestalt training and is meant for individuals who do not (yet) meet the UKAGP criteria for ‘Member’ and/or retired Gestalt practitioners (see Appendix).

vi) Trainee Membership – Any person in training at a nationally accredited gestalt training institute for a maximum of 4 years, after which their membership will be converted into Associate Membership.

vii) Friends of UKAGP – open to anyone who wishes to support the association and who is not a Gestalt practitioner.

5.2 Application for Membership


Application for membership of the Association, in whatever category, should be forwarded to the Membership Officer at the Association’s registered address, together with such information in support of their application as the Committee shall require.

Application for registration, certification or accreditation by EAGT should be forwarded to the Membership Officer at the Association’s registered address together with such information in support of their application that EAGT shall require.

5.3 Register of Members

The Association shall maintain a register of all members. Information held on the register about a member shall be freely available to that member on request.

5.4 Termination of Membership

Membership of UKAGP can be terminated as follows:

a) By Resignation

By the notification of resignation to the Membership Officer in writing.

i) If resignation takes place after the third month of the calendar year then the resigning member is still liable for payment of the annual subscription.

ii) If any member wishes to resign from membership of the Association and the Committee has been notified that an allegation against that member is being investigated, that member’s resignation shall not take effect until the allegation has been resolved.

b) Due to Termination of Membership of Accrediting/Professional Organisation

i) Full Members
The Committee shall terminate the membership of any full member whose membership has been terminated by their accrediting organisation.

ii) Trainee Members
Any trainee member whose training organisation has discontinued their training will need to apply for Associate Membership.

iii) Associate Members
UKAGP has no jurisdiction in areas of professional conduct; however Associate members whose behaviour is deemed by the Committee to have brought the reputation of the profession into disrepute through gross misconduct will have their membership terminated.

Any decision of the Committee to terminate membership shall be delivered to the member in writing by recorded delivery to the address held on the Register of Members.

c) Due to Unpaid Membership Fees
If a member has not paid their membership following two reminders, then their membership will automatically lapse, two months after the second reminder without any further communication.

5.5 Re-instatement of Membership

Where termination of membership has taken place under section under section 5.4 b); in considering an application for reinstatement of membership the Committee shall, with the applicant’s written consent, enquire from their professional body their status regarding their register of members. In the case of trainees, an enquiry will be made of their Training Organisation. A decision will be made by the Committee accordingly.

6. The Organising Committee
The Association shall be managed by elected members who represent the Association on an Organising Committee which should meet at least three times a year between each Annual General Meeting.
The Organising Committee shall comprise:



Finance Officer

Other Roles as Required

The Organising Committee shall be no larger than 9 members.

6.1 Committee Membership

a) Members of the Committee will represent the UK Gestalt community including the relevant organisations, categories of practice (i.e. counselling, organisational executive coaching and educational work) and independent psychotherapy practitioners. For this purpose independent practitioners are deemed to be an organisation.

b) The Committee can co-opt the Chair of any Sub Committee until the next AGM.

6.2 Elections to the Committee

a) Elections take place annually and members are elected for a term of 3 years, after which they must stand for re-election.

b)Members are eligible for a second term for a period of one, two or three years, after which they must stand down and not offer themselves for election for a further three years.

c) Should a vacancy on the Committee arise for any reason the Committee may co-opt a Full or Associate Member to fill the vacancy until the next AGM.

d) The role for Chair will be voted for by the OC one year before the current Chair stands down and the person elected will take on the role of Vice Chair.

6.3 Duties of the Organising Committee

The Committee shall be responsible for the day to day management of the Association and the execution of decisions made by the Committee. This includes but is not limited to:

i) Keeping the Register of Members

ii) Keeping account of all financial transactions and arranging for them to be annually audited and presented to the Members at the AGM.

iii) Appointing an auditor.

iv) Setting the level of subscription fees.

v) Collecting subscriptions

vi) Ensuring appropriate liaison with relevant national organisations and with EAGT.

vii) Approving membership applications

viii) Submitting applications by UK Gestalt practitioners to EAGT for registration, accreditation or certification.

iix) Keeping members and appropriate UK professional organisations informed of the EAGT Code of Ethics and Complaints Procedure

ix) Contributing as relevant, on behalf of the UK Gestalt Community, to the upkeep of the EAGT Code of Ethics and Complaints Procedure.

x) Taking final responsibility for the work and recommendations of any Sub- Committees and Working Parties.

7. Sub-Committees and Working Parties

a) The Committee shall appoint the Chair and members of Sub-Committees.  In addition the Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees, working parties or other groups as are needed to further the aims and objectives of UKAGP.
b) Working parties, local and interest groups can apply to the organising Committee to be listed.

8. Committee Meetings

8.1 Quorum

a) Two thirds of the members of the Organising Committee need to be present for the meeting to be quorate. If this is not possible issues may be discussed but not voted on.

b) Each member of these committees has one vote with the Chair having a casting vote in the event of a tie.

9. Ethics

a) UKAGP does not process any complaints and will defer such issues to the relevant accrediting and training organisations.

b) UKAGP will defer all issues regarding professional and ethical practice to the relevant accrediting organisation.

c) Members may not use their membership of the UKAGP as a substitute for an accrediting body.

10 General Meetings

10.1 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

a) The Secretary shall convene an Annual General Meeting of all Members each year indicating the Agenda. Not less than 21 days notice shall be given.

b) Additional agenda items should be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the meeting.

c) Nominations for election to the Committee should be submitted to the Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the AGM. In the event that nominations have not been received for any of the named posts on the Committee then the Chair may take nominations from the floor at the AGM.

10.2 Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

An EGM shall be convened if either the Committee determine the need or one third of Members request one in writing to the Secretary indicating the reason. Not less than 21 days notice shall be given.

10.3 Voting

a) Full, Associate and Trainee Members may vote at an AGM or EGM.

b) Members who are unable to attend an AGM or EGM may exercise their right to vote by notifying the Secretary in writing, not less than fourteen days before the meeting, of the items they wish to record a vote on and what that vote should be.

c) There will be a full list of eligible voting members at the AGM or EGM, members will need to be on that list in order to vote.

10.4 Quorum for General Meetings

An AGM or EGM shall be deemed quorate if attended by ten percent of those Members eligible to vote at such a meeting – including those Members who have indicated that they wish to record a vote but cannot attend.

11. Finance

a) The Association’s Financial Year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.

b) The Finance Officer shall be responsible for maintaining the books of account of the Association together with supporting documents and shall make them available to the Committee and auditor on request.

c) There shall be a dual signatory system for cheques and other payments.

d) Reasonable travel and out-­of-pocket expenses incurred in execution of the Association’s business may be reimbursed on production of a receipt or standard mileage form by Committee  members, and sub­committee or Working Party members authorised by the Organising Committee.

e) The annual subscription shall be subject to Members’ approval at the AGM.

f) Subscriptions are due for payment on 1st January each year at which time a reminder shall be sent to members who have not set up a recurring online payment schedule. A second reminder shall be sent to such members who have not paid their subscription on 1st February.

g) Subscriptions for students are due for payment t by the Training Institutes by 15th November each year at which time a reminder will be sent to the administration contact at each institute.

12. Amendments to the Constitution

a) Proposed amendments to the constitution can be made only if the motion proposing them receives a two-thirds majority of the votes cast at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.

b) Proposed amendments need to be sent in writing 28 days before AGM or EGM to allow the Secretary to inform the committee/membership 21 days before AGM/EGM.

13. Dissolution

a) UKAGP may be terminated at a General Meeting only if the motion proposed receives a two thirds majority of the votes cast. Following such a decision any funds owned by UKAGP shall be transferred to a charity chosen by the membership.

b) In the event of an AGM or EGM where the agenda is the dissolution of the organisation not being quorate, there will be one further attempt to hold a quorate meeting. If the second meeting is not quorate, then the Organising Committee shall be delegated to make the decision.

Accrediting Organisations
a) The following is a list of recorded Accrediting Organisations.
European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT).
The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
United Kingdom Association for Humanistic Practitioners (UKAHPP)
Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland (COSCA)
United Kingdom Association for Psychotherapeutic Counselling (UKAPC)
The British Psychological Society
Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy

b) Members who are accredited with organisations not listed here can apply to the Committee through the Membership Secretary for their organisation to be included.

Version 29.07.2019 – Approved at UKAGP 2019 AGM