UKAGP Events
Events by UKAGP members

Creating Dialogue With The Deceased
This workshop can support clients with guilt and shame around miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion and other fixed Gestalts.
Exploring Shame
The goal of this workshop is to gain a deeper understanding of the breadth and impact of shame, and how it can become chronic and integrated into the body as an emotion to avoid.

Gestalt Walk & Talk
The workshop will include theory and experiential exercises, utilising all the available senses plus imagination, working individually and in pairs/small groups. The facilities at the Botanical Gardens will support a fluid use of both indoor and outdoor space – reflecting zones of awareness, and the relational qualities of the contact boundary between Self and Other.

2025 International Gestalt Research Conference - TICKETS ON SALE
Save The Date: 2025 International Gestalt Research Conference 5-7 September - Birmingham, UK

EAGT Conference Croatia
EAGT Conference - October 22nd- 25th 2026
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Couple therapy is the most complex and vulnerable of the therapeutic situations due to the presence of the significant other. In the first module we work with the therapeutic relationship: What it demands in couple therapy and how it is different from individual therapy. From the beginning the training is highly experiential and practice-near, combining theory with therapeutic explorations.

Gestalt Network Scotland, CPD Workshop - Working with Dreams
This workshop will take a transpersonal approach to dreamwork and offer an invitation to experience our interconnectedness with others and the greater whole, as an alternative to the sense of separation and isolation that is so much the human experience. Over the two days there will be opportunities to develop confidence and skills in bringing this approach to your work with clients.
Workshop on Shame
The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the breadth and impact of shame and how it can become chronic, manifested within the body, and become integrated into life as an emotion to avoid.

Weekend Workshop with Ed Fellows and Liz Beauchamp
This workshop will offer a chance to experiment with how we can learn about specific themes in supervision through awareness of our embodied experience. We hope that the themes will emerge from the group, and we will bring our own experiences of the inter-connected nature of embodiment, including shame and trauma in supervision.

Supervision Group
To enable trainee psychotherapists to practice in a facilitated group to build competence and confidence in live supervision. The weekend will particularly support trainees who are looking to complete their training in the near future and who wish to gain confidence prior to their Viva.

Pain as Invitation
Are you a therapist or mental health practitioner seeking to deepen your understanding of chronic pain and illness? Join us for an enriching workshop that will transform how you approach long-term suffering in your clients!

Group Supervision and Professional Development
Many people have expressed an interest in accessing an ongoing group for NON-clinical supervision, skills practice, personal and professional development.
What is on offer:
Supervision, Skills practice, Processes that can be offered to clients, Recaps of pieces of training of the past.

Julianne Appel-Opper: Relational Living Body Psychotherapy
These two weekends are mainly process oriented and the aim is to provide an introduction to bodily and interbodily processes in a small learning group of 12-20 participants. We will focus on how living bodies speak in their bodily rhythms: breathing, moving, and embodied traumatic gestalten. We will explore own embodiment, the cocreated embodied field between therapist and client and how to work within the body-to-body-communication, developing embodied nterventions and experiment.

Gillian Downie and Dawn Gwilt: Secure Attachment and the Archetype of Mother Bear
We will explore through movement and voicework different aspects of the Mother Bear Archetype, and how these aspects relate to an experience of secure attachment. This carefully graded and paced workshop invites participants to engage in play and embodiment through the enactment of an Indigenous American (Iroquois and Penobscot tribes) story. This will be supported by improvised cello music and sounds, helping to deepen the emotional connection. Participants can be involved to whatever extent feels right to them.

A Boy and his Anger: a mini fundraiser
This hour-long DVD presentation, hosted by Jon Blend MA Dip Child, features the pioneering expressive arts-led work of Gestalt psychotherapist Dr. Violet Oaklander in session with client Abram (12). After viewing we will discuss clinical aspects arising from the material.

Relationality and Dialogue in Gestalt Practice
A day of exploration, demystification and experience around the key concepts of relationality and the dialogic relationship. Lots of experiential opportunities to learn about yourself and to develop your client work in a workshop designed to strengthen practice.

The Penny Model: Full-day Workshop
While I have reduced the human experience to the four core emotions and made it more accessible, it does take time and practice to develop the skills required to support people in sharing intimacy (In–To–Me –See) and vulnerability. This is a place where you can ask whatever questions and develop and hone your skills, in an interactive and supportive environment.

Couples Training - A Gestalt Approach
There are more and more couples reaching out for therapy and seemingly not enough couples therapists to take them on. Dr Visnes developed a Gestalt therapy framework through her PHD work at Metanoia and is now bringing her training to the UK which we are hosting at our practice in Shoreditch London, beginning of October 2024.

Gaie Houston: The Enormity of Now
NOW is the starting point of Gestalt.
In her lecture, Gaie will be exploring the enormity, the complexity and the frailty of this most present and exciting, this transient, magical and loaded reality.
The bombardment of information that we are subject to for much of our waking life, whether from images or words, is more like a hurricane blowing out the embers than a forming perception giving space for a glow to form, as Perls spoke of awareness.
This 20th Marianne Fry Lecture day will provide an opportunity for everyone to enjoy and even intensify their awareness of now.
In the afternoon, Gaie will facilitate an experiential exploration of issues raised in the lecture.

Presence group: bi-monthly personal and professional development
There are a couple of spaces opening up in this, starting from May. The dates for the remainder of this year are: Tuesdays 9.30-4.00pm: May 21st, July 2nd, Sep 17th, Nov 19th.

The Penny Model: 4-week Skills Practice and Personal Development Group
While I have reduced the human experience to the four core emotions and made it more accessible, it does take time and practice to develop the skills required to support people in sharing thier intimacy (In–To–Me–See) and vulnerability. This is a place where you can practice and hone your skills.

Deborah Plummer, Ph.D: two workshops for trainers on antiracist practice
UKAGP presents two workshops for trainers on antiracist practice, with psychologist, consultant and Gestalt practitioner Deborah Plummer, Ph.D
The seminars are for experienced and less experienced trainers of Gestalt therapy, counselling or coaching as well as those who want to train to become trainers.
We’re offering a £50 discount on combined attendance at both workshops, 7 hours of CPD for £100.

The Penny Model: 4-week Skills Practice and Personal Development Group
While I have reduced the human experience to the four core emotions and made it more accessible, it does take time and practice to develop the skills required to support people in sharing thier intimacy (In–To–Me–See) and vulnerability. This is a place where you can practice and hone your skills.

Anger Energy vs Aggression
Anger is a healthy emotion. Most people do not know what Anger Energy is or the difference between Anger Energy and Aggression.
We need our anger energy to achieve and mobilise. It is what we do with our anger that is questionable. This will be an experiential workshop (not recorded or shared anywhere).

UKAGP 2024 Residential
Our 2024 UK Association for Gestalt Practitioners residential conference will be held at Woodland Grange, Leamington Spa from 14th to 16th June 2024.

Gestalt Chair Work
An experiential exploration and explanation, linked to the four core emotions of four core archetypes.

Supervision Session
An opportunity to be nourished and refreshed with new tools and insights

Stefan Charidge: 6-hour Supervision Day
A full-day workshop where you can bring your client dilemmas and challenges to build on your skill set and professionalism.

Four Chair Work with Stefan Charidge
An experiential exploration and explanation, linked to the four core emotions of four core archetypes.

Working with Young People – A Year-Long Gestalt Arts Intensive
This year-long (2024) in-person course draws inspiration from the pioneering work of Gestalt therapists Violet Oaklander and Mark McConville whose approaches put the relationship between therapist and young person at the heart of the therapeutic process.

Sexual Well-Being and Its Diminishment in Committed Relationships: Potential Reasons and Solutions with Madina Demirbash
This workshop aims to give insights into understanding such issues as sexlessness and the decreased quality of sexual wellbeing in long-term couples.

Therapy in a foreign language - what is lost and what is gained?
"The problem of translation is to retreat to a simpler tenor of one's style and creatively adjust this to one's author" – Paul Goodman, 1966
This workshop will explore what happens when the author and translator are the same person: a client telling a therapist about their phenomenological reality.

Climate change in the consulting room
This 2-day seminar is relevant for anyone who wants to reflect on the impact the climate crisis has on the human psyche and how in turn the human psyche impacts on the state of the world. How might our theory and practice need to adapt in order to become more porous to the world?

Gestalt Institute of Ireland Conference
A conference that seeks to gather a community of practitioners to explore forms of vitality that are of our embodied relational situations, full of possibility in a world of uncertainty.

Marianne Fry Lecture 2023
2020 was a watershed year in the fight for racial equality across the global north. The death, nay murder, of George Floyd in America led to the re-recognition of just how poorly persons of colour were seen and treated.
Dwight writes: This experience filtered into the world of counselling and psychotherapy and it was at this stage that, as a practitioner myself, I recognised that I had become adapted within a white supremacist framework in order to survive accordingly. Based on the ideas presented in my new book The Psychology of Supremacy, this talk will look at how and why these adaptations exist and occur and what it means for the racialised other to exist within white environments.