Summer 2022: We are not alone - in our differences and commonalities

Welcome to the summer edition of our newsletter. 

Our theme for this season is ‘being with our differences and commonalities’. 

As I sat down to start writing this welcome and thinking about the theme, the first thing that came to my mind was a clear memory from childhood of how my aunt used to say, ‘it’s different’, with a particular tone of voice to convey when she didn’t like something. 

It got me thinking about how different our experiences and perceptions of difference can be. Difference can be uplifting, exciting, enriching and hopeful on the one hand and it can also be experienced or perceived as daunting, bewildering, maybe even frightening. Or at its most disturbing, difference can be exploited and presented as dangerous and threatening… click on the button below to read more.


Winter 2023: We are not alone - Finding Ground in Turbulent Times


Spring 2022: We are not alone - In War and Peace