UKAGP presents two workshops for trainers on antiracist practice, with psychologist, consultant and Gestalt practitioner Deborah Plummer, Ph.D
The seminars are for experienced and less experienced trainers of Gestalt therapy, counselling or coaching as well as those who want to train to become trainers.
We’re offering a £50 discount on combined attendance at both workshops, 7 hours of CPD for £100 UKAGP members / £120 non-members.
Dr. Deborah Plummer, Ph.D
Unravelling Race and Racial Identity in the Training of Clinicians
Thursday 12th September
Online, 1 – 4.30pm
Dr. Plummer will also be giving the workshop “Training Clinicians to Become Better Antiracists” on Saturday 14th September. You can attend both workshops a discounted price – saving £50! Click here for the joint ticket.
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Racial identity is the psychological connection we have with our race; its resolution process occurs for everyone, regardless of one’s identified race. In our race-conscious society, racial identity is experienced as a multifaceted and important aspect of our identity that may or may not be aligned with other aspects of how we manifest ourselves in the world.
To that end, this workshop explores the racial identity development process from a Gestalt perspective. We’ll explore how it shows up in our lived experience and its implication for bringing our full and authentic selves to environments. We’ll discuss tools for navigating belonging, managing racial stress, and individuating in a racially complex society with implications for therapy practice.
Participants are encouraged to take the Racial Identity Status Self-Assessment (RISSA). Please note that this assessment tool is U.S. based, and questions or statement that refer to America or American identity can be replaced with U.K.
We will learn and grow together as we discern similarities and differences in race expression and racial identity.
Workshop Objectives:
Understand race from a Gestalt relational framework and its manifestations in therapy practice.
Explain how our brains form prejudices and processes differences.
Explain racial identity resolution process and its developmental statuses from a Gestalt perspective
Analyze the interplay of multiple and intersecting identities at various levels of human system: intrapsychic, interpersonal, group, organization, and society.
Dr. Deborah Plummer, Ph.D
Training Clinicians to Become Better Antiracists
Friday 13th September
Online, 1 – 4.30pm
Dr. Plummer will also be giving the workshop “Unravelling Race and Racial Identity in the Training of Clinicians” on Friday 13th September. You can attend both workshops for a discounted price – saving £50! Click here for the joint ticket.
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There’s more to being an antiracist than aligning yourself with its value and endorsing its principles. As clinicians and trainers, it’s hard work that requires:
recognizing, understanding, and working to dismantle the structures that shape and maintain racism and that result in racial trauma,
a life-long commitment to healthy racial identity resolution for ourselves and others
engaging in multiracial living patterns and identifying these patterns in therapy practice,
embracing cultural humility; and
practicing radical respect.
This workshop explores how we can become effective antiracists using a relational model for managing the dynamics of racism and how doing so can achieve desired outcomes.
Participants are encouraged to take the Antiracist Style Indicator prior to the workshop. Please note that this assessment tool is U.S. based, and questions or statement that refer to America or American identity can be replaced with U.K. We will learn and grow together as we discern similarities and differences in antiracism expression in the U.S. and U.K.
Workshop Objectives:
Understand antiracism from a Gestalt relational framework
Understand the characteristics of an effective antiracist and its relationship to advocacy, racial justice, and therapy practice
Explain three antiracist styles and know how each style shows up in personal and therapy interactions
Assess your own antiracist style and learn practical ways to become better antiracists.